Easiest way to create chromatic material, just few step and it's DONE
One of the best tutorial i've ever got!!! It gives us continuous and well organized tutorial to create a hi-realistic object. Simply uses VRay which applied in various materials and object. I've practiced this easily, no difficulties, no trouble, no more talk, just download the tutorial here or you can visit evermotion.com
Another awesome tutorial from CGArena!!! Its creator, Mohammed Khalil - UAE based CG artist - created a realistic scene from a place he called "Chaleur et Paix". It's a french word which means "Warmth and Peace". He hope you will enjoy the further reading. or you can download the tutorial here. Enjoy
Execute Application (*.exe) from Flash
5:49 PM | Execute Application from Flash, Flash | 4 comments »It's a tutorial requested by a friend at sukabumi, he asked me how to load/execute an application (*.exe) from flash projector. I tried to give him clue w/ "exec" command, but it looks like i still have to write this on my blog. Its for you "Men" :)
1. Create a button on your stage
2. Select the button and open action panel
3. write down this script
on (release) {
fscommand("exec", "application.exe");
4. It means if your button on relesed position it will execute file named application.exe
5. IMPORTANT NOTE!!! it only works if your application.exe placed in a folder named fscommand.
6. REMEMBER !!! It only works if your flash file publishes as projector/application (*.exe) too.
7. Download this Source if you still confused :)
I think it's more simple than loading a flash movie and easier to remember too, isnt it !!!
The Best You Can Get !!! Control your 3d scene by using Flash, here you can find the answers. I collected the source and script for you, You can download it here or visit Kirupa. Pick your choice. Enjoy
Illumination Tutorial for Industrial/ Product/ Furniture Design
6:02 PM | 3ds Max, Realistic Object Tutorial | 0 comments »
This is tutorial to create realistic object for industrial presentation, very applicable, and easy instructed. Download it here. And dont forget to comment me or visit CGArena
Landscape Digital Painting w/ Photoshop
5:55 PM | Landscape Digital Painting, Photoshop | 1 comments »
I still cant believe it created from photoshop from very beginning, no sketch, no 3d manipulation, just digital imaging. A very neat job. I like it? do you???
If you feel the same as i do, you can visit CGArena to learn, or you can simply download it here. be pleased to follow the instruction.
Here is the link for you who loved HDR Images in 3ds max. Try it and feel free to comment me.
Do you like to play arcade game??? Why do you still play if you can create it by your self. Complete and applicable. Just prepare your PC, Flash, and a little bit of Imagination. Get it here. 100% Free
This is special !!! you can control your 3d character by using Director. Simple and completely useful. Wanna try this???. Please fell free to Download it here
One of my Favourite Magazine recently released its latest edition. If you are looking for a cutting edge creative magazine that showcases amazing new creative talent then look no further, ArtzMania is for you! u can download ArtzMania x6 through Spotbit. or just click it here.
A very useful script. Usually pie diagram is placed in static, but for some presentation we need to perform dynamic one. we just need to scrool the button, and VOILA ... it simply change . Get it Here
This is suite to create simple quiz or multiple choice formed questions, please be sure to download it here
a simple image viewer created using Director
download here >>http://rs233.rapidshare.com/files/64965141/materi04.dir<<
this one is to create simple paint program as it on windows, we can control brush area, density, and color, download here to get the source >>http://rapidshare.com/files/64958010/lecture10.rar<<
ada yang minta sourcenya 3d di director yah, moga moga ini bisa sangat membantu, yang lain besok kalo sempat aku postingin lagi yah , makasih makasih ....
Ohya script ini ada juga di bukunya pak Hendi Hendratman, cuman aku ganti objeknya ajah, makasih juga loh pak Hendi .... btw smsku kok gak di bales yah ....
use ur key board to try .....
here is the link to download
ini ada source buat bikin interface interaktif dari director, gak terlalu lengkap seh tapi u can develop it easily, best regard
ini link downloadnya >> http://rs50.rapidshare.com/files/64809615/latihan.dir<<
penting untuk yang baru belajar flash http://rs122.rapidshare.com/files/64802346/latihan_flash.rar
sangat membantu loh
MP3 player
click here to download ur first mp3 player, easy and updatable, best of all its 100% free :)
3D Cameras
Provided by Adam Montandon
Lots of people ask me how to use cameras in 3D. There are loads of different things you can do with cameras, and here is a basic introduction for anybody starting out with 3D lingo.
This tutorial is designed for people who are familiar with how lingo works, and who want to get started manipulating cameras in 3D.
Whenever you create a 3D scene, it has, by default, 1 camera, at position X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 250.
You can move a camera to an exact X, Y or Z position like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).camera[1].transform.position.x =
Changes the X position of camera 1 to 50
(member 1 of castLib 1).camera[1].transform.position.y = -200
Changes the Y position of camera 1 to 50
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].transform.position.z = 32.965
Changes the Z position of camera 1 to 32.965
You'll notice that's a different line of code for X, Y and Z positions. How about saving time to do X Y and Z together.
You can use 3D vectors.
Vectors look like this:
vector(x, y, z)
So now you can try:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].transform.position = vector(50,-200,32.965)
It does the same as the previous 3 lines of code!
We can also rotate the camera like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].transform.rotation.x = -3
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].transform.rotation.y = 20
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].transform.rotation.z = -8
or as a vector:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].transform.rotation = vector(-3,20,-8)
Hither and Yon
You can set the Hither and Yon settings in a camera to see how much of the world is drawn. This can help when slower computers are trying to draw large 3D scenes, you may want to clip the viewing distance, so that objects very close up are not rendered or objects far away are not rendered.
Objects CLOSER than Hither will not be rendered:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].hither = 1
Objects further away from Yon will not be rendered.
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].yon = 3.402823
These settings are great if you are making a driving game, and want to avoid "pop-up" in some situations, you can increase the Yon, or if you want to make a "cut away" of a 3D scene, you can increase your Hither.
Field Of View
You can set your field of view like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].fieldOfView = 34.5160
By changing the field of view you get a "warped" effect, a bit like a fish eye lens. So if you want to make trippy effects of being sucked through dimensions, or 3D warp effects, bulges etc, alter the Field of view.
The standard projection mode is Perspective. This means objects get smaller the further away you are from them, this is how we see in the real world, you can set it like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].projection = #perspective
However, Orthographic projection means that things do NOT get smaller the further away they are. You can set it like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].projection = #orthographic
This mode is good to use when you want something that behaves like its in 3D but looks flat.
The clearatrender property of the camera tells the camera to clear what it previously drew. Normally this is set to true like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].colorBuffer.clearAtRender = TRUE
However, if you set it to false like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].colorBuffer.clearAtRender = FALSE
You get a trails effect, as the camera does not clear the previous 3D rendering. You can make snake like effects or anything with trails, blobs etc with this property.
Background color of the camera.
You can set the color that the camera uses to "clear" with, so by setting an RGB value you can change the color that appears behind your models like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].colorBuffer.clearValue = rgb( 0, 0, 0 )
Change the rgb(0,0,0) (black) to rgb(255,0,0) for red or whatever RGB number you decide looks best for your scene.
Fogging effect is normally used to make models in the background "fog out" or fade to the color that you set. For example, if you are making a space game, you could use a black fog, so that spaceships in the distance look darker than ones closer to you. This fog is NOT like the fancy volumetric lighting effects that you see in professional 3D packages, it does NOT make smoke, or fog, or mist or haze or anything like that, it simply blends distant models into a background color.
To turn on fog use:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].fog.enabled = True
and to turn it off use:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].fog.enabled = False
To set your fogging distances use:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].fog.near = 4
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].fog.far = 1006
fog.near is the point in world units where fogging starts.
Fog.far is the point where fogging is at maximum strength, anything beyond this point is totally covered in fog.
To set the color that your models will fog to use:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].fog.color = rgb( 0, 255, 0 )
Changing the RGB value to whatever you like, this one fogs to green.
You have 3 different decay modes to the fog effect:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].fog.decayMode = #linear
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].fog.decayMode = #exponential
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].fog.decayMode = #exponential2
Macromedia describes the 3 modes as:
#linear: the fog density is linearly interpolated between fog.near and fog.far.
#exponential: fog.far is the saturation point; fog.near is ignored.
#exponential2: fog.near is the saturation point; fog.far is ignored.
Find the best effect that works for you.
Backdrops are used as a 2D image placed at the back of the camera, with all other models rendered on top of it. These are not all that useful in most 3D work, unless you need a static shot, so I wont spend much time on these. To add a new backdrop, it first has to be imported as a texture then use:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].addBackdrop((member 1 of castLib 1).texture[1],point(0,0), 0)
You can remove a backdrop like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].removeBackdrop(1)
Overlays work in a similar way to backdrops, except they go on top of everything, appearing at the front of the camera, with all the models rendered behind.
You can add an overlay as long as it is defined first as a texture like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].addOverlay((member 1 of castLib 1).texture[1],point(0,0), 0)
and remove it like this:
(member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[1].removeOverlay(1)
Adding More Than One Camera
To make a new camera with the name "CloseUp" simply use:
(member 1 of castLib 1).newcamera("CloseUp")
You can change the word CloseUp for any name you want to give your camera.
You can make as many new cameras as you want.
You can replace the code camera[1] for camera[2] to use the second camera you make, or camera[3] for a third camera and so on. To call a camera by name instead of number you can use camera("CloseUp") or whatever name you gave your camera. Never give 2 cameras the same name though!
Deleting Cameras
To remove your camera just use:
(member 1 of castLib 1).deletecamera("CloseUp")
Or, if you want to delete a camera by index number use
(member 1 of castLib 1).deletecamera[2]
Changing from one camera to another
Cameras are actually changed at the sprite level, not at the member.
If your 3D member is in sprite channel 1, and you want to change to camera 4, use this:
sprite(1).Camera = (member 1 of castLib 1).Camera[4]
Or to change it to a camera via its name use:
sprite(1).Camera = (member 1 of castLib 1).Camera("closeup")
There are lots of other interesting things you can do with cameras, and here I have just scraped the surface, but I hope it will give many of you a good introduction to some of the features available with cameras in Director 8.5.
on mousewithin me
on mousewithin me
on mousewithin me
member("namamember").model[1].rotate(0, 1, 0)
on mouseUp me
on mouseWithin me
on mouseWithin me
on mouseUp me
1--Buka Library Panel
2--Pilih 3D> Action
3--Drag dolly Camera ke arah Shockwave
4--Masukkan input ke panel dialog, group = new
5--Kemudian masuk ke 3d>trigger
6--masukkan keyboard input
7--Isi parameter pada panel dialog
(memunculkan kabut)
on mouseUp me
member ("namamember").camera("defaultview").fog.enabled=TRUE
member ("namamember").camera("defaultview").fog.near=10
member ("namamember").camera("defaultview").fog.far=100
member ("namamember").camera("defaultview").fog.color=rgb(200,100,30)
(menghilangkan kabut)
on mouseUp me
member ("namamember").camera("defaultview").fog.enabled=FALSE
(menggunakan kabut berwarna hitam)
on mouseUp me
(menggunakan kabut berwarna putih)
on mouseUp me
(warna kabut yang acak)
on mouseUp me
1--Buka Library Panel
2--Pilih 3D> Action
3--Drag dolly Camera ke arah Shockwave
4--Masukkan input ke panel dialog, group = new
5--Kemudian masuk ke 3d>trigger
6--masukkan keyboard input
7--Isi parameter pada panel dialog
1--Buka Library (Senjata Rahasia)
2--Pilih 3D> Action
3--Drag Automatic Model Rotation ke Shockwave
4--Tentukan model mana yang akan diputar, misalnya "bola"
untuk menjadikan salah satu model/ objek dalam shockwave 3d sebagai tombol,
pake library saja,drag ke shockwave, gampang toh...
untuk memberi perintah jika model di-klik maka akan menuju marker tertentu.
1--Buka Library
2--Pilih 3D> Action
3--Drag Click Model go to marker ke Shockwave
4--Kemudian masuk ke 3d>trigger
5--masukkan parameter yang diminta
cukup pake library, kurang dan lebihnya sama lah, try this at home...
Masukkan Behaviour "Radio Button Group" dari Library
Hal ini berfungsi untuk mengelompokkan radio button dalam opsi/pilihan tertentu
on mouseUp me
if member(7).hilite=true then go "jantan"
if member(8).hilite=true then go "betina"
if member(9).hilite=true then go "lain"
go the frame
end if
on exitFrame me
member(28).text="Selamat Datang "&member(2).text&" yang berkelamin "&member(9).text&" di Stikom Super System"
alert "Apakah Anda Sudah Memeriksa Kelamin Anda, "&member(2).text&"?"
Kalo yang ini adalah untuk memberi perintah supaya kembali ke menu utama jika sudah melewati waktu tertentu, cocok salah satunya digunakan untuk aplikasi pada ATM, Touch Screen Panel, dsb
on startMovie
the timeOutLength = 600
on waktuHabis
if the timeOutLength then
go to "main"
end if
on idle
the timeOutScript = "waktuHabis"
Nilai 600 dinyatakan dalam "ticks" yang setara dengan 10 detik, berarti 1 detik = 60 ticks
Analogi paling mudah untuk menggambarkan MIAW adalah sama seperti load movie pada Flash, jadi kita memanggil sebuah movie dari movie utama :
on mouseUp me
open window "namamovie"
on mouseUp me
close window "namamovie"
on mouseUp me
forget window "namamovie"
Nah Kalo yang ini adalah beberrapa kode penting untuk jenis jenis "pemanggilan" movie :
0--Movable, sizable window without zoom box
1--Alert box or modal dialog box
2--Plain box, no title bar
3--Plain box with shadow, no title bar
4--Movable window without size box or zoom box
5--Movable modal dialog box
8--Standard document window
12-Zoomable, nonresizable window
16-Rounded-corner window
49-Floating palette, during authoring (in Macintosh projectors, the value 49 specifies a stationary window)
Any Question??
Post here >> :D
Ini buat yang suka make flash tapi pengen ngeload dari director, letakkan script ini di frame pertama
on exitFrame me
if sprite(1).frame > 380 then
go next
go the frame
end if
1.menggunakan property inspector
-mengetikkan text yang dimaksud
-klik tab text pada property inspector
-pada menu framing pilihlah "scrolling"
-atur parameter2 dibawah menu framing dengan cara memilih tombol ceklist sesuai kebutuhan
2.dengan menggunakan lingo
-scrollbyLine (menggeser text berdasarkan baris)
on mouseUp me
scrollByLine member (59), 1
-scrollbyPage (menggeser text berdasarkan halaman)
on mouseUp me
scrollByPage member (59), 1
1-buat tombol atau text sebagai pemicu
2-masuklah ke library kemudian pilih navigation->go to url
3-drag pilihan tersebut pada tombol atau text yang dimaksud
4-masukkan alamat domain yang dimaksud dalam format "http://www.namasitus.com "
Berikut ini adalah script untuk membuat seamless image atau gambar yang berjalan terus menerus dalam director :
on enterFrame
put the mouseh, the mousev
sprite(1).loch=the mouseh/5
sprite(2).loch=the mouseh/5+578
(the stage).bgColor=rgb(the mousev/2, 153,the mouseh/3)
berfungsi untuk menambahkan pop-up menu standar window
1-buat field, dan ketikkan text dengan konfigurasi sebagai berikut:
Sub File /C|script control
Visi Misi /V|go "awal"
Graphic Visualizer /G|go "gv"
Textile & Mode /T|go "tm"
Architectural Visualizer /A| go "av"
Link Website /L|alert "maaf anda belum membayar tagihan telepon bulan ini"
Play /P|go "awal"
Close /C| halt
Exit /X| shutdown
2- ketik script pada frame pertama sbb :
on exitFrame me
installmenu 1
angka 1=nomor field pada cast member
Some important things may often forgotten
u may change "filename" to another name, copy/paste this script into notepad and save it w/ extention *.inf
Sometime we do small mistake but may become fatal, such missing font, i really hate this mistake but in fact i oftenly did this. So maybe this can help u ;D
Insert > Media Element > Font
then click OK
cheque ur cast member out, if u have seen font cast there, its mean ur safe now. ur font has been copied to ur director file.
Application in a folder
on mouseUp me
open "@/namafolder/namafile.exe"
Windows Standard Application
on mouseUp me
open "helpfile.hlp" with "winhlp32.exe"

This is my another 3d project.
I create this for BPM (Badan Penanaman Modal) or something like Capital & Investment Government Institution.
Previously, the concept was just to create a Touch Screen Information Panel, but then extended to become total integrated information system including website, and software.
There were some changes at the end but finally we made it. Respect to Pilar Sinergi Mandiri.
This lingo script bellow is very usefull to find ur path (both audio and video), so ull b easier to put the files inside certain folder/ directory, really its useful :D
on exitFrame me
the exitlock=true
set audioPaths =the moviePath & "Audio"
set videoPaths =the moviePath & "Video"
add the searchPaths, audioPaths
add the searchPaths, videoPaths
put this script on the first frame of ur movie
1-prepare ur text
2-choose tab "text" at property ispector
3-on display option, change option onto "3d mode"
4-for extended setting, use tab "3d extruder" play w/ their setting
5-to rotate text repeteadly choose "automatic model rotation" from library panel
(library list->3D->action->autimatic model rotation)
This is a quick trix 2 create tooltip at Director
1-prepare button and field to display tooltip text
2-open library panel
3-choose "control" menu
4-drag "dislay text" to previously created field, and choose option "tooltip"
5-drag "tooltip" the button
6-enter ur setting on dialog panel "parameter for tooltip"
var kursor:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pointer", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
kursor.onEnterFrame = function() {
kursoria_mc._x = _root._xmouse;
kursoria_mc._y = _root._ymouse;
Note :
//U have to prepare a movieclip w/ instance name "pointer" that will replace standard flash' cursor into ur own
//this script does not work if u right-clicked the movie/stage. the standard cursor then will appear. Any Suggestion? ;D
1. Create a dynamic text in the stage
//In the instance name field, write "displayname"
//In the variable field, write "displayvar"
2. Create a new layer to put ur script
3. Open Action Panel and write down these script:
myVar=new LoadVars();
Note :
//we create a new variable named "myVar", it will load a file named "textload.txt"
//dynamic text will display defined file previously
//the content of "textload.txt"
displayer=This is text that will be displayed
1. First we prepare an empty movie clip
// Insert > New Symbol > Movie Clip
// Write any name in the symbol name field then click OK
2. Open Library Panel
//Window > Library
3. Drag the MovieClip u've just made from the library into the stage (make sure u work on scene 1)
4. Name it as "mc_pict" or anything u like in the instance name field
5. Create a new layer for action script, click it on the frame then open action panel. write these following script :
Note :
//its mean flash will load a file named "picture.jpg" inside the folder named "image" and it will be viewed at a movie clip with instance name "mc_pict". thats it ;)
//ur swf file and ur folder containing the image file is in one directory
"Copy" Mode Ink is the best method to put a cast into the stage,if not necessary dont change this mode to another.
Enlarge forcibly sprite by stretching one of its part will make the movie run slowly.Let the sprite remain to as its original, or if its really urgent u may edit ur cast before they imported into director
Dont use abundant transition, besides resulting movie become verbiage, over transition use may result slower n heavier movie
Avoid the transition placement at the last frame in which they loop. If u do such action, ur movie will not earn swift process to ur script. it will run slower.
Ascertaining u do not use double tempo setting (both by tempo channel or lingo). Choose one and dont be abundant
If ur movie color depth is larger then ur PC, it can b sure certain performance of ur movie would become slower
Playing sound need a longer process. Otherwise insist on, avoid to play some sound at the same time, it cause your movie doesnt run smoothly
Its totally unrecomended. bitmap member imported externally need heavier process and longer time than those imported in standard
When u compile a movie, make sure u vanish all unusable cast member theyll just weigh against and enlarge ur file size
Ascertaining u never repeat the same script again n again. Why dont u save ur energy?
When Projector file run, turn the other application off. It will weigh against ur system, and ur movie will run very slowly. This problems especially emerge at lower specification computer.
Always use save and compact that u can found on file menu.
Bitmap in 8bit colordepth has half measure of weight from bitmap in 16bit
Its not only useful to secure ur contents,but also can minimize the size of ur application
1. Problems and Requirement Analysis
Analyse problems and define requirement concerning production of Interactive so that can formulate morely precise.
2. Data Collecting
Activity of data collecting conducted in detail to support process hereinafter.
3. Formulation of Main Material
Result of data collecting are hereinafter made as basic to formulate main material of Interactive CD, main material represent outline of items as a whole.
4. Formulation of Interface System
System of Interface represent interaction media between user with certain product. This formulation is used to accomodate requirement of user.
5. Execution of Graphic Desain
This process perform execution according to system design from previous process. This process is also determining visual quality in a product of Interactive CD.
6. Inclusion of Extended Detail Data
Such extended datas representing collaboration result of overall items inside Interactive CD.
7. Inspection of Data by Owner
In this activity, owner will check and select assumed datas improper to be presented. So that end result of product of Interactive CD can be justified.
8. Publishing
If entire process above have hence so then can be executed in publication or displaying.
A.Linear Presentation
B.Non Linear Presentation (interactive)
They are
1. Recording
2. Loop Movie
3. Reverse Sequence
4. User Interaction
Recording is an animation type in Director yielded from process of recording sprite’s position. Recording divide into several type they are:
a. Frame By Frame Animation
Frame by Frame Animation is a line of least resistance to make a movement or motion in determining position. You only determine the content of each frame to let Director define the changes.
Step Recording is another technique to make a movement or motion by determining position. You have to determine the position of early sprite at the stage, later then position at the last frame to determine its motion direction.
As according to its title, realtime recording will record the movement of sprite’s position at stage in realtime following the movement of the mouse (trigger).
This Method is used if we want to change position of channel sequence become the position of frame sequence with the certain space.
Cast to Time Recording is recording process by taking some cast member to be packed directly into the score window as sprite to make animation
Tweening is a facility at Director that is good for filling position between two keyframe or more ( In Between). In fact more or less its end result is equal to when we use the Step Recording, but there are more extended arrangement detailed if we use this method, the tweening facilities for examples are acceleration and curvature
Film Loop is a facility in functioning Director to make the movement effect repeatedly (continue/ do not break) in one single frame
Reverse Sequence used to invert the sequence of position frame.
You have learned some technique to make the containing movie movement (motion) at a stage. But at a scope of multimedia, requirement of a movie presentation do not only belong to linear such as those which you have learned previously. If needed, the movie have to measure up to the interaction with the users (interactive).